Matt Neilsen, Line up of the day on
Photo: Andy Potts 
WOW, my first blog, ahahahaha i find it hard enough to find words when posting on facebook so god knows why i would think anyone would want to read this, well i quess we will find out.
Pretty stoked today after finally geting some solid exposure for Matty.
Coastalwatch ran a sick shot we got yesterday after the dawn service, not that we went.
Traffic was pretty insane down sth with school holidays and Blues fest on in byron, thought we were chasing some solid waves but ended up with clean small ramps.....cant complain.
Cant believe i survived another road trip with Matty, fuck were gonna die one day i swear. Just kidding buddy.
Some insane waves on the radar for next week so hopefully we can score and get some consistancy for once.
So whats next, do i keep writing or wait for the next chapter? YEH, thats properly the best bet as it usually doesnt take long for shit to happen, lol but really shoot me!!!
Hope you enjoy the pic and i promise there will be plenty more to come, hopefully some video too.
Thanks to all for the support, with a bit of luck i might actaully keep this up to date.
See ya all soon.
Andy Potts